Say goodbye to pain
At Ojah we want to help you live your best life, one free of pain, illness and disease. Spinal Flow® Technique is a transformative touch-based therapy that works on releasing blockages from the spine and increasing areas of ease. It is a powerful yet gentle healing modality based on the principles of chiropractic science and the belief that the body has an innate healing ability.
We work on the cranium, sacrum and spine to remove blockages that are caused by physical, chemical or emotional stress.
Some of the symptoms and ailments Spinal Flow® can help withÂ
Back Pain and
Depression and
Fibromyalgia and Autoimmune Illness
Dysbiosis and
Asthma and other Allergies
What is SpinalFlow®
Spinal Flow® Technique is a fast and effective way to heal from pain, dis-ease and illness.
The Spinal Flow Technique is based on the science principle of chiropractic and the philosophy that the human body has everything it needs to heal itself. This gentle touch-based modality works with the anatomy of the spine – and the connection the nervous system has to glands, organs and tissues – as a basis for healing.
There is a Spinal Wave™ sitting inside every human body, waiting to connect our brains with our nervous system to fully explore the wisdom within us.
The body has an innate intelligence to help us respond to the demands of the world around us. The state of equilibrium or homeostasis – where healing, digestion and wellbeing happen – is where most of our time should be spent. Our bodies were designed to only be exposed to stress for short periods of time in order to protect us from the dangers of the environment (think a tiger stalking a caveman).
Although our lives have evolved in numerous ways and lots of comforts and advancements achieved, our nervous system has stayed the same, leaving us constantly exposed to pressure and stress, with an over stimulated sympathetic system (the system responsible for the fight-flight-freeze response) keeping us in constant alert mode.
Stress can take different forms and present itself in a large variety of symptoms. The three most common ones we see are emotional stress from past traumas, chemical stress from the foods we eat and the chemical products that surround us and physical stress from accidents, injuries and/or postural strain. Regardless of the type of stress, the body will store it as a spinal blockage.
Spinal blockages are a bit like static interference for our master controller – the central nervous system comprised of the brain and spine – which can block the flow of our body’s aptitude to heal itself. Spinal Flow Technique helps locate these blockages that cause symptoms like pain or illness by making contact with the 33 access points of the spine to allow healing to happen.
There is an innate instinct inside every human body to restore, allay and mend itself. Just as our gut digests our food and our hair grows, our bodies know how to heal by harnessing the nervous system.
The Gateways of the Spine